Saturday, 14 November 2009

Diets and Exercise can help YOU lose weight

Well quite a lot of you agreed with my previous post infact I've never had so many responses to one post so thank you all. Its a good job we are keeping ourselves fit and healthy and make a stand against the sedentry lifestyle eh?
Three weeks ago I gave out my 7 week Weight loss program and promised a MM Hoodie to the person who lost the most weight before Christmas. Fiona got her hands on the program and lost 9lbs in two weeks :-)
Close up yup that 16st 13lbs

As if by magic......

Well a lot of hard work actually but lets take a close up of that.

Just think if you need to lose a few pounds and tone up in time for Christmas (maybe to look extra sexy in that party dress) and you'd started my fitness program 2 weeks ago you could be 9lbs lighter.

Wait there is still time pick up a copy at reception tomorrow

See you in the gym


Friday, 6 November 2009

Who needs fat loss surgery?

Page 27 of this weeks Cornish Guardian (Weds 4th Nov 2009) Beverley Coumbe, the reporter, asks the question:


You might want to read the article before you read my response. Oh and if you are easily offended by strong language then I suggest you dont read any further.

fat guys Pictures, Images and Photos

I’m shaking my head at the sad at the fact that Cornwall had got a bar iatric unit.

If you don’t know what that is let me tell you. That’s the hospital unit where people who don’t have enough self control to stop them from over eating processed high fat, high sugar foods and are too lazy to get off their backsides and do some sensible exercise go to be cut open and fitted with a gastric band so that they can lose some weight.

I actually can’t figure out whether these people are on the blame train or not. I’ve spoken to a lot of overweight people and most can’t seem to understand why they are over weight as they eat hardly anything. Until we discover the truth when I ask them to complete a food diary.

Mr Finley, the consultant in Upper Gi, laproscopic surgery at Treliske Hospital blames the Cornwall’s obesity problem on “social attitudes towards food”

He said that “We are training our children to eat everything on their plates regardless as to whether they are full or not. This came about as a result of rationing during the war when food was scarce.”

STFU Pictures, Images and Photos

I think that this man is still living in the nineteen fifties. I’m forty years old with a 7 month old daughter. I was born in 1969. I don’t know anything about rationing. .My father is in his sixties and might remember rationing, just. (Sorry Dad) When he puts on a few pounds through eating a little too much cheese, he regulates his diet and starts doing some light exercise. He loses the weight that he has put on and goes back to his normal healthy weight. He doesn’t blame social attitudes towards food. He knows that he is responsible for the weight gain and no one else.

Mr Finley goes on to say that “We also use sugary foods as an inducement for good behaviour in our children”.

Is it me? I certainly would not feed my daughter anything sugary or processed or anything I wouldn’t eat myself. In fact I spend a lot of time reading about and then making, my own baby food. Which is both nutritious and by the look of Bonnie when she has eaten it, delicious. Ok she is only 7 months old but I would never even consider using sweets as a bribe for good behaviour. Maybe I just had a great upbringing myself.

FAT FAT Pictures, Images and Photos

This also doesn’t answer the question as to why adults are having gastric bypass operations. For an adult to blame social attitudes towards food is like me blaming the barmaid for my Sunday hangover.

It was reported in the Cornish Guardian this week that the unit was a welcome addition to the RCHT as previously these bone idle bastards….sorry obese patients had to be carted off to Taunton to receive specialist treatment. I’m sure that Somerset Heath Authority has the money to “treat” a basically self induced condition.

fat nudist Pictures, Images and Photos

The treatment itself is not without risks. Patients could experience: blood clots, wound infections, hernias, sickness, burping and neurological problems such as tingling skin and feeling cold. Hell there is even a 1 in 200 risk of death in the riskier gastric bypass operation. Bloody hell I’d rather eat salad and go for a brisk walk. The things that some people will do to get out of eating properly and exercising is unbelievable.

Mr Finlay goes on to confidently say “ Diets don’t work once your body max index is more than 35” I’m training a lady who’s BMI is currently 37 she lost 5lbs last week as a result of diet and exercise.

Oh I thought Id check my BMI and it gave me a calculation of 30.4 now I admit I’ve put on a few pounds but I wouldn’t put myself in the obese category.

Also if you check out the last video on my website ( you will see that Mark, 6ft 1inch and 228lbs which gives him a BMI of 30 and puts him in the obese category. Mark loses over 2 stone by employing a diet and exercise routine.

This blows Mr Finlays statement “For those already obese (that’s me and Mark) that diet and exercise programmes are ineffective in sustained weight loss”

Beverley Coumbe’s report asks the question – why are we so over weight? Then in a sub heading “We look at the facts behind our bulging waistlines and ask is enough being done to prevent people going under the knife”

She neither answers the original question nor offers any alternative options to gastric bypass surgery.

fat people's chair Pictures, Images and Photos

She interviews one woman who is about to go under the knife and who won’t be named, (quite rightly you should be ashamed of yourself.) This poor lady blames giving up smoking and having three children on her weight gain.


Here is my advice: Stop eating so much and go play with your kids that will be good start.

Oh and well done on giving up smoking, but as you are in the “health caring” profession shouldn’t you know better than to have started smoking in the first place.

As for the question – why are we so over weight?

For a County that has got so much to offer in terms healthy outdoor activities, from miles of beaches to walk, surf and swim in to great leisure facilities, golf courses, horse riding and country walks. There are also a whole lot of local farm shops, fish mongers and restaurants offering healthy food.

PLUS even if you are a couch potato there are numerous government sponsored television adverts telling us to move our bodies more, eat healthy foods. Even the cookery programs aren’t getting the message over despite Mr Oliver’s best efforts. Does anyone even bother with Fit 4 Life?

I can only shake my head and say you are fat because you are bone idle. You won’t take any type of regular sensible exercise and ready meals are your saviour so that you can waste more of your time watching Jeremy Kyle than preparing nutritious food.

OK I might be getting a little carried away now but lets all start taking responsibility for our own health and stop burdening the overstretched NHS with problems which we can avoid.

See YOU in the gym

Monday, 23 March 2009

Birthday Blog


A big thank you to all who wished me a Happy Birthday over the weekend, and thank you for the excellent new surf board I cant wait to use it. I had no idea what was going on

Well it all started off so well. Luke told me he would pick me up at 12 but I really had no idea what was going on. Unfortunately for Nic I just happened to be looking out of the window when I saw him try and Ninja his way down the lane, Hood up, Head Down.

True to form at 2pm (late as ever) Luke came up to get me and told me to put on some boardshorts and nothing else! Well I had consumed about 7 or 8 bottles of Desperados beer (the beer of choice) by this time and was more tha happy to get my kit off.

"Who ya gonna call?"

Blindfolded I was led through the Gym to unmistakable disabled changing room, or, to give it its proper title "Lukes Room"

I was as expecting some sort of naked lady when I took off the blindfold so, outstretching my arms felt the smooth finish of a gorgous surfboard instead, then was drenched in cold water as someone turned on the shower. The blindfold was removed and I was blinded by a totally PINK room! See pics above

"Luke gets his groove on"


Nice work everyone It actually looks great.

Just in case Johnny forgets his own name again

Below Roger manages to hid his meat and two veg

"Roger Ramjet"

More drinking ensued and by the time Roger and the mini bus turned up at 4pm I can honestly

say I was off my face.

A short journey to Exeter, a Curry and an underground Punk Club finished the evening off nicley and with everyone accounted for we all passed out at around 4am.

Nice to know I can still party as hard at 40 as I could at 20.

Big thanks to LUKE, NIC, JEN, MELINDA, MATT, ROGER, GAV, JOHNNY and everyone else who helped.


P.S. Party hard, live life to the full and skid to the grave knowing that you have no regrets.

Thursday, 19 March 2009

You know I’ve been doing my workout first thing in the morning with a really good friend of mine who has recently rejoined the gym. I must admit he’s kicking my ass at the running and I seem to, be shall we say, be encouraging him with his weight training :-)

Now load of people say to me training? Why are you training when you do all those classes? Well you see, your body is an amazing, adaptive piece of machinery. When you throw a certain demand at it, it adapts in amazing ways to be more equipped to handle that demand in the future.

So the classes I teach has little or no effect on my body especially as I don’t put in 100% as I have to instruct, spot and correct. When you work out you need to be progressive and make each workout harder than the last to get great results.

Progressive? Yeah, you know, how you’re increasing the work you do from one cardio session to the next in order to ensure that you continue to improve your fitness and lose body fat.
So, when it comes to exercise, if we do the same 30 minutes of steady state cardio from one workout to the next, within 2-3 workouts we’ll be well adapted to those exact cardio demands. So well adapted, in fact, that those 30 minutes will be barely better than sitting on the couch.
And the same is true for high intensity work. If we don’t progress the workout from one session to the next, the demands will be so small on our bodies that we’ll see none of the benefit we saw when we started the program.

So there is a “secret” to an ever-increasing health profile, an ever-improving body composition, and non-stop performance increases. And it’s called progression.

Weight Training Progressions

Now, most people oversimplify the idea of progression. They assume that to “make it harder” from one week to the next, they need to spend more time exercising. However, that’s not always the case. Sure, this type of volume progression is one method to progress your program. Yet it’s not the only way.
In our weight training arsenals there are several ways to design programs to ensure progress toward a variety of goals, including increased strength, increased power, increased muscle mass, etc.

Here are a few examples of ways to design a proper progression in the weight room.

#1 Simple Load Progression
Classic progressive resistance training (or simple load progression as I call it) relies on the necessity of increasing our load lifted over time, assuming the same repetition range.
Like Milo, the Greek wrestler who purportedly jogged around the perimeter of the Coliseum with a calf on his back, getting stronger and stronger as the calf slowly grew into a bull, we try to increase the weight lifted from one week to the next in order to continue to progress.

#2 Complex Load Progression
Periodization models have introduced the idea of systematically increasing our load lifted while decreasing our repetitions. This model uses gradually increasing loads (or intensities, defined as a percentage of 1 rep max) while using gradually decreasing volume (measured by the total number of repetitions performed during a workout). These types of sessions are called intensification sessions.

Of course, even within an overall periodized program that’s focusing on intensification (heavier loads and fewer reps during a workout), the idea of simple load progression still stands. Obviously, if you’re using a similar repetition range from week to week during an intensification phase, you should be increasing your load used, even if you’re only using the same rep range during two consecutive training sessions for that movement.

#3 Simple Volume Progression
Compared to the simple load progression above, simple volume progression is pretty much the opposite. Instead of increasing the load from week to week, you keep the load the same while increasing the volume (measured by the total number of repetitions performed during a workout, whether that’s adding a few reps to each set or adding a few total sets).

So, instead of doing 6 reps at 80kg, as you did during week one, you’d be doing 7 reps at 80kg during week two. Alternatively, instead of doing 3 sets of 6 reps at 80kg, you might do 4 sets of 6 reps at 80kg. Either way, volume progresses, load stays the same.

Other examples, of varying utility, based on your goals, include:
Decreasing rest time from week to week in order to improve between-set recovery.
Increase rest time from week to week in order to handle heavier loads on subsequent sets.
Another example of using time as a variable is Charles Staley’s EDT. This style of training demands that, from one week to the next, you increase the number of reps you perform while keeping the total exercise time constant.

I’ll give you some examples of Cardio progressions next time :-)

Have a great day and I’ll see you in the gym
P.S. More valuable information at Please join in :-)

Friday, 27 February 2009

Not more excuses?

This site seems to becoming my RANT page and here I go again. I hate complaining and really don't like to moan but what are your thoughts on this?

Last September 2 friends joined my gym. They were both keen, excited about doing something positive in there life, losing some weight and feeling better about themselves.

Unfortunately one of the friends became genuinely ill and could not attend any more. Now under the rules of their contract If someone is genuinely ill and medically unfit to exercise then they can freeze, or in extreme illness cases, cancel their contract. fair enough.

Last week I had a visit from the OTHER friend the one that was not ill. She was complaining that Harland's (the nice people that handle all gym contracts) would not cancel her membership.

I asked her why she would want to cancel? Surly she still wanted to get the same benefits out of the gym that she wanted when she joined? Was she unhappy with the service? Was there anything I could do to make her gym experience more pleasurable?

Oh she said I have a swollen knee and can not exercise.

I asked what was wrong with the knee.

She said that she had been to several surgeons and there was nothing they could do

Oh I said So what is the matter? What did these surgeons say was wrong

She avoided the question.

I explained that Harland's handle ALL membership enquires and I was here to help with fitness questions and help every member achieve their fitness goals.

She said that she wasn't were happy about that and left.

By the way whilst this conversation was going on in the gym was:

Steve: 56 sitting in a wheelchair, had a stroke in his early thirties, comes to the gym 3 times a week despite having little control over his movements, I take the time to help him around He's lost over a stone in weight and gained strength in his arms an legs.

Frank: 71 Heart bypass recovery patient also has problems with his grip due to a tendon problem in his hands. Comes three times a week and has reduces his resting heart rate and increased his hand grip.

Denis: 53 Has Depression Mental heath issues and a speech impediment. He's only been coming for a month but attends the gym for about 30 minutes a day. He finds the gym helps lift his mood and he gets great benefit from the social interaction talking to other gym members

Now lets go back to the lady with the "swollen knee" in fact lets not.

Id rather that she hadn't joined the gym because now instead of having a positive and beneficial impact on her life she will probably spend a lot more energy and cause herself a lot of stress trying to "get out" of her contract.

Actually If you are that lady and you are reading this please come back lets get your body moving and let me help you achieve the goals that you joined the gym for.

That goes for all of you out there

For now take care and keep fit,

See you in the Gym


P.S. Please leave a comment about this blog or pop over to and leave a comment there.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Consistancy is the Key

Go to any bookshop and look in the diet section. Now count how many books there are. 10? 20? 100? 1000? All diff rent; Atkins,Weight Watchers, The South Beach Diet, I remember the cabbage soup diet. Which one have you used? One, Two, ALL?

Now how can there be so many diet books and which one works? Well they all do. And that goes for workouts too. The thing with fitness workouts is that you have to establish a base level and work your way up. The same as a diet.

For example every month there is a new fitness magazine out showing you how to do the same exercise. Just how many times do you need to be shown how to do a bench press or a triceps kickback by a different fitness model?

So its the same with BOTH dieting and keeping fit. Everyone wants to look like the fitness model demonstrating the exercises or promoting the eating plan but not everyone can succeed and achieve the look.

Dieting isn't fun and (as much as I try to make to be as diverse as possible) exercise can also be boring. As much as I wish you could, you cant magically transform your body by buying a diet book or a gym membership. Sorry but its hard work all the way until...

It becomes second nature to you and you live life like a fitness model. That's when you don't even think that you are on a diet and exercise becomes as much of a habit as brushing your teeth. You've got to find your own way. I'd love to guide you but you have got to make that conscious decision to make it happen and then get busy.

In fact here is a great tip from Mark (who lost a lot of weight last year) Mark found that doing his workout at the same time every day helped him stick to the plan and achieve his goals.

Consistency with Marks workout and diet helped him. Mark lost over a Stone in weight in 2008

Looking Great Mark

So if you can be consistently good in keeping to your diet and your workout you will achieve YOUR goal. If you are consistently bad then you wont. Check out this vid:

So in 2009 lets all eat better and exercise consistently


P.S. A high profile client of mine (film star) consistently ate carrots for the duration of the shoot. She (oops that's narrowed it down). She lost loads of weight unfortunately she also turned orange! That fucked up continuity :-)