Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Another "no more excuses post"

This lady is partially sighted and comes to the gym with her guide dog Darcy

She has written a poem so I thougth that I would share:



One fine morning on a whim
I decided to join the local gym
They told me, after using this machine and that;
I would soon lose all my fat.
So week one was a doddle...
10 minutes on each machine,
I'd soon have the figure of a super model.

Week two was not so bad,
All my friends thought that I'd gone mad.
But when I get gid of all this flab
I will look absolutly fab.


So its now week three and she put me on a machine that climbs a hill
Then its two long miles on the cursed treadmill
I'm sweating blood and tears
and I shoot her a look that is a threat to kill
Guide Dog Darcy looks on unimpressed
I can see she is bored, I must confess.
We come her five mornings a week
No wonder she lies ther looking bleak!
I think to myself "God love a tryer"
So it will be worth it when I lose this spare trye!


Hooray! I've just been weighed and have lost a stone.
I'll soon be a bag of bones.
All that slog and sweat, no more winges and moans.
A few months of this and it will be bliss,
I'm dedicated that a morning I will not miss!
So if you want to get fit and trim,
Do what I did and join your local gym.

Margaret Oldham, July 2010

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